Thank You
to our
Kelley Austin - Cruise Planners
Vickie Kolbasinski - Baylor Lumber
Bernie & Kimberly Hertan Family
His-N-Her-Tan Farm
The Musick Family
Citizen's State Bank
The Finch Family
AK Farms, LLC
Dia Copeland
Teri Thompson Ranch
Miller Insurance Agency - Bert Miller, Agent
Pat Arden Texas Broker
Brian Becker
Johnny Johnson
Vickie Kolbasinski - Baylor Lumber
Tom & Lisa Miller
Bruce & Lee Postma
Blue Cottage Farms - Mike & Susan Williamson
BECOME A SPONSOR… Check out our Sponsor Levels below:
PLATINUM SPONSOR = $1000 - Annually
Includes all of the benefits below as a NET SPONSOR and a GOLD MEDAL SPONSOR…
PLUS you will receive two free individual memberships to the NPA, free local advertising on our website, any publications, and at all local events…
PLUS you will become a TITLE SPONSOR at all Tournaments and League Play Events throughout the year.
GOLD MEDAL SPONSOR = $500 - Annually
Includes all of the benefits below as a NET SPONSOR…
PLUS you will receive one free individual membership to the NPA and free local advertising on our website, any publications, and at all local events during the year (excluding tournament or league play title sponsorships).
NET SPONSORS = $202.77 - One Time Cost!
The Navasota Pickleball Association is looking to find 16-20 NET SPONSORS. This will allow us to host future tournaments that could have up to 16 Courts all playing at one time at the beautiful NISD Tennis (& Pickleball) Complex! Plus the 4 nets needed at the Hillside Park Courts.
NET SPONSORS - Each net plus tax costs $202.77 and includes free shipping. If you become a NET SPONSOR, the NPA will purchase the net so that all 16-20 nets will be identical and high-quality portable nets.
We will send you a receipt for tax donation purposes AND you will be listed as a NET SPONSOR on our website, any publications, and all future events!
Checks may be mailed to:
Navasota Pickleball Association
P.O. Box 369
Navasota, Texas 77868